TENS and EMS products
Here you will find TENS products and EMS products for muscle stimulation and relaxation.
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TENS and EMS products can be effective if you either have chronic pain or want to stimulate your muscles. However, it can be difficult to find out which product to choose, what they are used for and how to use them. We have written a guide to what the two different terms mean and how and when they can be used.
TENS devices – Pain relief
What does TENS mean?
TENS means: Trancutaneous E electric Nerve Stimulation.
This means electrical nerve stimulation through the skin. The electrical impulses are sent through the skin and into the nerve pathways, soå the pain signals sent to the brain are blocked. This also helps; for the body's natural defense against pain, the release of endorphins, to be activated. The method is scientifically supported and medically approved.
TENS is used to relieve chronic and acute pain, such as:
&bull ; Gout
• Back pain
• Carpal tunnel syndrome (tendon sheath disease)
• Pain in the feet
• Labor pains
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Ischia
How is TENS used?
Always remember to read the user manual for the individual device, as it will be stated here; a guide for placing the electrodes and various recommended programs. Placement of the electrodes depends on where you feel the pain on; the body and therefore it is usually one's own choice of location that gives the best result. Most people achieve pain relief quickly, but it may be necessary to experiment to find the position that relieves the pain best. A TENS device can be used as needed, but it is recommended to follow a program that you either choose or set yourself. the device. Typically, a program will last from half an hour to a full hour per session. time or more. Over time, you can use longer-lasting programs and use the device several times a day, especially; as long as the electrodes are not permanently attached; the skin.
< strong>Må the electrodes sit everywhere on the the body?
The electrodes can be placed in many different places on the body. However, there are areas of the body where one does not må place the electrodes:
• Around the neck and on neck pulseåpure
• På the bony part of the skull
• In the area around the mouth and throat
• Over or around øthe eyes
• In the area of the genitals
• På acutely or chronically diseased skin (e.g. inflamed or burned skin and rashes)
• På the stomach during pregnancy
• Close to the heart
• Direct onå or in the vicinity of malignant tumors
• På front part of the chest
EMS devices – Stimulating the muscles
What does EMS mean?
EMS means: Electric M bad Sstimulation.
The meaning is exactly electrical muscle stimulation. The electrical signals are sent into the muscles and cause them to make the contractions that occur, for example, during exercise and physical activity. På this mode is also activated; previously inactive muscle fibers.
EMS is used for a wide range of conditions:
• Strengthen the muscles
• Muscle regeneration
• Prevention of muscle atrophy (muscle wasting)
• Improvement of local blood circulation
• Improve mobility
• Prevention and relaxation of muscle spasms
• Prevent muscular imbalance
• Cosmetic muscle toning
< strong>How is EMS used?
EMS devices are found bå they as a unit with associated electrodes or e.g. as a ”b&ealig;lte” the stomach and lower back are stretched to stimulate the muscles. The product must always be positioned as directed in the accompanying user instructions, as some products are specifically designed to stimulate certain muscles. Before using the device, ensure that the skin is clean and free of creams or oils. The electrodes on however, the product must be slightly moistened in order to conduct the current optimally. There are no limits to how often you can use an EMS device, but it is important to take care to let the muscles recover. Just like with other forms of muscle training. The user manual will typically state which programs you should follow. EMS is used as a supplement to training and to treat sore muscles. EMS cannot replace real active training, but is ideal if you have an injury and are prevented from active training.
What do TENS and EMS have in common ?
Both devices emit low-frequency electrical impulses, with the aim of stimulating either the nerve pathways (TENS) or the muscles ( EMS).
Where are you? can't you use TENS and EMS?
What the two devices have in common is that special circumstances and illnesses can mean that one cannot må use TENS or EMS devices. To avoid health damage, it is therefore not recommended to use both TENS and EMS devices:
• If you have a pacemaker
• If you have disturbances in the heart rhythm or have had disturbances in the heart rhythm
• If you have epilepsy or have had epilepsy
• During pregnancy
• In case of diagnosed cancer
• Direct onå the stomach during childbirth
• When driving a car or operating complicated machinery
• In acute cases of fever or infectious diseases
< strong>Which device should I choose?
There are combined TENS and EMS devices, så you don't necessarily have to choose one or the other. There may well be a connection between pain relief and muscle stimulation and sometimes it can therefore be an advantage to be able to treat an area on; more than one way. A perfect example could be a very physically active person who sits mostly at a desk during the day and therefore experiences back pain. Beurer EM 49 is a good bet for a combined product, where there is also is abundant with preset programs and programs that you can customize yourself. The device is easy to carry around; the speed and så can you be satisfied with bringing a single device, instead of two different ones.
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